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Step1 Select the single or more worksheets that want to adjust the default width of a column For this example, we are considering only one worksheet Step2 Go to the "Format" option under the "Home" tab and click on Format Step3 Select the 'Default Column width' from a list of options as shown in the screenshot3/6/21 Choose the column that you want to autofit Click on the Home tab Check out the Cells group and then click on the option 'Format' The dropdown will show the added options Click on the option 'Autofit Column Width' With these steps, you can immediately make the column expand to have the text in the cells appropriately adjustedAutoFit is a feature in Excel that allows you to quickly adjust the row height or column width to fit the text completely (so that there is no spilling over to other cells) Also, AutoFit means that you don't have to manually specify the column width or row height (or manually drag and adjust the column width)
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